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  • Writer's pictureThe Fudge Lady

Humble Beginnings

Blue Ribbons Fudge started in 2002 in a small apartment kitchen in Anchorage, Alaska. It all started because of some truly terrible fudge. From where? I don't even remember. I just remember that it was something I couldn't even get my BROTHER to eat, and that's saying a LOT!

After listening to multiple complaints about how terrible this fudge was, my neighbor issued the challenge. "Why don't you just make better?"

I laughed out loud.

In 1993, as a college student, I had this BRILLIANT idea to make fudge and give it as gifts. BRILLIANT, I tell you. BRILLIANT. Except that it wasn't. Well... the idea was good. The fudge, wasn't. Somehow, in the middle of everything, I FAILED "NO FAIL FUDGE". It was AMAZING chocolate sauce, but somehow never made it to the fudge part.

I vowed then and there to NEVER make fudge again. You can see how well THAT worked!

And so it began. The quest to make a decent fudge. At least one that was edible... I must have made 17 or more different batches of fudge before finally stumbling on one that I loved. One that I had to invent. See... I wanted a fudge that was soft enough to go into a jar, but firm enough to not be sauce. My dear neighbors. They ate more fudge than a normal person should EVER eat. And they did it all without complaining. (Fancy that.)

Finally, I made a fudge that was edible. Not only was it edible, people wanted to BUY it! I was shocked. Seriously, shocked.

The next step was entering it into a contest. The Alaska State Fair, contest - to be exact. However. Since I had been selling this fudge, State Fair requirements put me above the hobby level and into the professional division. So, taking the leap, I entered it. And...WON!!! My first Blue Ribbon for Fudge!

And so it began. Every fudge that has been entered into a county or state fair since then has come home with a blue ribbon. I'm not gonna lie, I've had to do some HARD convincing of people for this fudge, since it's NOT TRADITIONAL. But it IS that good.

So... head over to the shop and give it a try!

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